
A game of choices, love, adventure, and the rescue of a beautiful alien. Featured in Videogames for Humans.

She Who Fights Monsters (Original Version)
She Who Fights Monsters (Original Version)

My first non-Twine game. Help a young girl survive seven days with her alcoholic father.

What’s in a Name?
What’s in a Name?

An interactive story about my early experiences coming out as bisexual.


Enter a surreal cyberworld in search of a fallen angel. RPG Maker game. Exploration highly encouraged.

The Diary
The Diary

The Diary is a short experimental game. You can unlock the true ending in about ten minutes, probably less, and you have a good chance of doing it without doing anything special. Just approach the game as a curious person who wants to know what happened. But just because it’s short doesn’t mean it’s meaningless. In The Diary, you are a student who finds an abandoned apartment building and in it, an apartment that’s not completely empty. It seems the last tenant left some things behind: books, documents, a fully-charged laptop that clearly was meant to be found. Look—and listen—to […]

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Next Project: “Jenny”

Posted on November 7th, 2013

I have a new project underway–and it’s not in Twine. I want to make it an action/platformer type of thing; for now, I’m going to try to make it with IG Maker since I bought a copy a while ago with an unexpected windfall. If I can’t get it to do what I’d like it to do, I’ll try Construct Classic instead.

Anyway, the game’s working title is Jenny the Homicidal Maniac. The inspiration comes from exactly where you’d think it does. I don’t have a real title yet or an exact story, but Jenny just kinda showed up on her own hacking things up with a butcher knife and enjoying what she did. I don’t know precisely why she’s so messed up; once I get that figured out, the details of the gameplay mechanics should fall into place.

Hopefully, I’ll have some concept art of Jenny done by the weekend.

Twine Tutorial: Conditional Questions

Posted on October 23rd, 2013

A friend on Twitter recently asked me how I did the question/answer part of my Twine game Eden. Basically 1)once you’ve asked a question, it’s marked as having been asked once you return to the list 2)asking certain questions makes new ones appear and 3)you only get the option to stop asking questions once at least one has been asked. Here are a few screencaps to show this:

Anyway, the steps involved are a bit lengthy to post on Twitter. So I figured I’d write this article for anyone who might find it useful. Please note that this tutorial assumes familiarity with Twine and some familiarity with Twine conditional statements. If you need a beginner’s tutorial, here’s an excellent primer from Auntie Pixelante.

The Tutorial

For demo purposes, I (more…)

Shadow of a Soul

Posted on October 20th, 2013

Oh my. Where to start with this one? I guess you’d call Shadow of a Soul an erotic horror Twine adventure(?) game with BDSM themes.

Anyway, this is a dark, weird, kinky game. You play the role of some poor damned soul who must either please their new demon master/mistress (which appears is up to you, as are your gender and sexual orientation) by doing… something unpleasant… or face eternity as the plaything of their older and more sadistic brother. Or perhaps an even worse fate. Along the way, you may need to replenish your strength, but don’t worry: that’s part of the fun.

Made with Twine. Features a good soundtrack, a fair amount of original artwork, and a decidedly dark atmosphere. It also has more than one ending.

(I created this one because I wanted to. No other reason, really. And yes, I had fun in the process. Maybe I’ll try making another naughty game someday.)

[Play Shadow of a Soul]

There’s also a downloadable version.


All About Eden

Posted on October 15th, 2013

Eden began with a simple idea: the player sets out to rescue a beautiful alien and the two might fall in love. Then I started wondering, “What gender should Eden be? And what about the player?” At first, I wanted to make Eden male just because it’s so unusual for a game like that, though I wasn’t sure what gender to assign the player. Then, I thought that Eden should be left un-gendered just because the idea seemed neat. As for the player, they could choose.

Then, there’s the mechanic that I actually used: while there IS a way to “choose” Eden’s gender, it’s usually random—and said gender isn’t revealed until, at the earliest, halfway through the game. After that, the player can decide how/if Eden’s gender affects their feelings for this blindingly beautiful person.

I think that makes a nice follow-up coming after the relative hopelessness of What’s in a Name. That game/story was about a time when I felt like my bisexuality was shameful, something I needed to hide or get rid of in order to fit in. In Eden, bisexuality is 1)your potential love interest’s nature (your gender doesn’t matter to Eden as long as your in-game good karma is higher than the bad) and 2)potentially rewarding. Not only can it make the path to romance easier; it can even earn you an achievement.

The funny thing is I don’t remember specifically setting out to make a “Bi Is Beautiful” game. It just sort of happened while I was working out the details, trying to sort out what would make the most interesting story and add the most fun.

That’s how 90% of the game happened, honestly. But that’s a topic for another post.

New Game: Eden

Posted on October 9th, 2013

I’ve got a new game for ya, very different from the first two — and the most traditionally “game-like” game I’ve made so far. It’s called Eden. You can play it here.

It’s sort of part RPG, part action game, and part dating sim, and it was created in Twine. As of 10/14/2013 I *think* I’ve fixed the last bug, but you never know. If the game throws any errors/blank screens for you (or you simply have a question or comment about the game itself), please let me know.

Oh, and not a lot is certain in this game. Who you’ll encounter. What turn events take. Not even your [potential] love interest’s gender. You’ll just need to see for yourself.

Enjoy! 🙂


Posted on October 9th, 2013

[Online Version]

Identical gameplay; Both Free/Donationware!

In some ways, Eden is my follow-up to What’s in a Name? Where What’s in a Name? went into the ways it can suck to be bisexual, in this game, it’s not only acceptable; it’s potentially rewarding.

In Eden, you’re a scientist faced with a choice: risk your life and career for someone else who’s beautiful, but “not even human” or look out for Number One. And that’s just the beginning. Can you really abandon this one to their fate? If not, how will you save them? Although the game is Twine-based, it’s coded with possibilities that are either triggered by earlier choices or occur at random–or both. A guard might spot you… or they might not. You might get caught if you try to take an item early… or you might be quick enough not to. Your love interest might be what you expected… or you may have to ask yourself questions these games tend to leave unasked.

Features include six different endings, four different achievements, a fair amount of original artwork (featured mainly in the endings) and a rather nifty soundtrack.

The offline and online versions play exactly the same. The offline version’s benefit is that once you download it, there are no preload times and you can play it whenever you like without coming back to the site. The good thing about the online version is you can check it out right away. (Well, except for the possible load times.)


Big Ball of Twine

Posted on October 2nd, 2013

Some Twine source code for Eden. SOME.

See that screenshot up there? It’s a partial view of the coding I’ve done for Eden, a new Twine game I’m working on. It only shows about one-third of what’s in there so far and I’ve still got a fair ways to go. It started off as a simple idea… and then I kept getting more ideas. And MORE ideas. And the game kept getting bigger and bigger. It’s gone from what could’ve been a simple choose-your-own text adventure to, well, a full-blown GAME. Random events. Multiple endings. Lots of different variables that change with the choices you make and can end up altering… well, a lot of things. It seems like everything in this game interacts with everything else. And that is pretty much the reason it exploded.

With a little scripting and a LOT of effort, it’s really something what you can do with this simple hypertext tool for interactive stories. Next time, I think I’m going to try survival horror.

(It’s possible you’re wondering now what Eden is about. But I’d rather not spoil the surprise—and this game has lots of them.)

Game-In-Progress: Eden

Posted on September 14th, 2013

I’m working on a new Twine game now. It’s the first that’ll be really game-like instead of a “life experience in a game type format” sort of thing. As such, creating it is a different–and interesting–process. (more…)

The Choice

Posted on September 1st, 2013


Note added in 2017: This was my very first attempt at making a game. I had fairly recently heard of Twine and thought it would be fun to use; I was also a big fan of the game Today I Die and wanted to try something in that vein to hopefully help other people who had had similar feelings. I don’t know if it was successful, but I do know it isn’t something I would make right now. Anyway, here it is, saved for posterity.

I also saved the original text from when I first posted this in 2013. Here it is below. It’s funny for me, looking inside time capsules like this.

My First Game

Like the title says, I made my first game. It’s called The Choice; I made it in Twine, a sort of “Build-your-own online text adventure type” thing. It’s a very nice tool for folks like me who have plenty of story ideas, but zero game development experience, so I figured I’d start off with that before really tackling something more involved. (You can find a nice beginner’s tutorial from Auntie Pixelante Here.)

The subject matter might be kind of unexpected. But the way I figure it, what’s the point of hurting if you can’t use what you’ve been through to help someone else?

Strange Few Days

Posted on January 16th, 2013

So, about a week ago, I made a little game. Just a short Twine game based on a personal experience, posted for the world to see in hopes that someone might relate and/or find something of value. In the time since then, that little game has been featured at The Border House. And by the nice game devs Usustar. And (much to my complete amazement) on Kotaku. And by a lot of nice people on Twitter, including Auntie Pixelante. Basically, a LOT of unexpected attention that I wasn’t sure how to process, and it still feels incredibly weird. Not “AAAHHHH!!!! THIS IS MUCH TOO MUCH AND IT’S FREAKING ME OUT!” weird like it was at first; it’s become more “I’ll be darned. Maybe it DOES mean something to people, and that feels kind of nice.”

When you do something early on that catches on so unexpectedly, I think it can be either a really good sign or a little scary, or even both at once. Good in that maybe–just maybe–you’ve stumbled on what you should be doing; scary in that there’s always the chance it was purely a one-time thing, and nothing you do from that point on will ever measure up. But you never know how it’ll go until you try, and even if lightning doesn’t strike twice, you’ll always have that one moment.

I can’t help but wonder now what I could do with more, and I’m feeling a lot less hesitant about that BIG game project now. Realistically, it won’t/can’t be as intimate as What’s in a Name? was because it’s so totally different, but I still hope to do a couple of things that (at least as far as games go) either haven’t been done before or have only been done rarely. The details of that will likely come out over the next several months. Or, if development goes REALLY slowly, over the next few years. :p And yeah, I’ve got some more ideas for Twine as well. Someday, I might even do one about something that’s NOT depressing! ^^

Anyway, to everyone who’s enjoyed What’s in a Name?, thank you so very much. It’s been quite an experience in quite a short time. XD And I hope you’ll stick with me for whatever I do next.

Blessings to all,

The Pixie

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