
A game of choices, love, adventure, and the rescue of a beautiful alien. Featured in Videogames for Humans.

She Who Fights Monsters (Original Version)
She Who Fights Monsters (Original Version)

My first non-Twine game. Help a young girl survive seven days with her alcoholic father.

What’s in a Name?
What’s in a Name?

An interactive story about my early experiences coming out as bisexual.


Enter a surreal cyberworld in search of a fallen angel. RPG Maker game. Exploration highly encouraged.

The Diary
The Diary

The Diary is a short experimental game. You can unlock the true ending in about ten minutes, probably less, and you have a good chance of doing it without doing anything special. Just approach the game as a curious person who wants to know what happened. But just because it’s short doesn’t mean it’s meaningless. In The Diary, you are a student who finds an abandoned apartment building and in it, an apartment that’s not completely empty. It seems the last tenant left some things behind: books, documents, a fully-charged laptop that clearly was meant to be found. Look—and listen—to […]

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Posted on January 4th, 2016

[Current Version: 1.0]

In Raziel, you help a hacker called Glitch who was called to Otherworld (a virtual realm that shines brighter than life) to slay a fallen angel. A fallen angel named Raziel who was once a human being. But if you end his suffering, what might you unleash?

This game is short and sweet: you can finish it in a few hours. Features surreal scenery, a thought-provoking story, two different endings and NO random battles. Exploration is highly encouraged.

(This game is donationware. Donations are appreciated (especially if you like the game), but they’re not required to play it.)

Promotional Video    *    The original Twine game (some spoilers)

Raziel: Pre-Release Trailer

Posted on January 1st, 2016

A new teaser trailer for Raziel. The game will be released on January 4th.

Raziel’s Release Date: January 4th, 2016

Posted on December 31st, 2015

This one will be short and sweet.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Raziel is basically done. Sure, I’ll be checking for dents and kicking the tires a few more times before I send it out on the road, from the looks of things… it’s done.

I’ll be making a pre-release video soon and posting it by Saturday. In the meantime, here’s a short teaser I put up a while ago.


Signed, The Pixie.

Raziel Update: It’s Almost Done! +Screenshot Roundup

Posted on December 19th, 2015

Making this game has been quite a trip. It started with a very short, very simple Twine game made for my first game jam, the Cyberpunk Jam from… last year. Along the way, I’ve learned a lot: more about how RPG Maker works (and how much I’ve already learned from making She Who Fights Monsters), more about the design process (short version: I probably need one), more about myself, and definitely more about the infamous “feature creep.” I had so many BIG IDEAS for this game that, in the end, it didn’t actually need — and getting wrapped up in all that stuff only made me want to work on it less.

Technically, I could’ve stuck with my original idea of just expanding on the Twine I made. But what I have now is very, VERY different from what that would have been and I have to say I’m proud of the results. A few small details about the upcoming game:

  • I am indeed on track to get this done by the end of the year. Yay!
  • There is no karma system, but you can make choices sometimes. They just might not have the effect you’d expect.
  • Somewhere along the way, Glitch became more than a player stand-in and developed a personality. So s/he got to keep the name Glitch.
  • Veering from the original plan, Glitch’s gender affects the ending and some small things along the way. But their capabilities are identical and their personalities extremely similar.
  • There isn’t much combat in the game (and no random battles), but there is some towards the end.
  • And finally, the screenshots!

Raziel: First Promotional Video

Posted on October 28th, 2015

My first promotional video for Raziel, hot off the… PC. It’s nothing fancy, but it does give you a taste of how the game looks and sounds.

Mysteries of Raziel: With New Screenshots!

Posted on October 13th, 2015

I know it’s been a while since I’ve written about this game. I apologize for the lack of updates; hopefully, this will help make things better.

First and most important, progress IS being made. It’s slow to the point of glacial sometimes (sometimes for lack of energy; sometimes for lack of time; sometimes for lack of having Clue One how to proceed and wishing upon wishing I had thoroughly planned this out beforehand, but this game was supposed to be soooo simple… funny how that works), but it is still progress. Optimistically, I’d like to get this done by mid-November. Realistically, I’d say “By the end of the year” at the point. But I really like how the game is shaping up, even if it’s grown into something of a hydra compared to the short, easy affair I thought it would be at first. (And it’s actually less complicated than some of the crazy stuff I’ve left on the cutting room floor. I want to get this cool-game-I-never-really-planned-on-making knocked out before the turn of the decade.)

And second… here’s some fun process type stuff on how it’s getting made.

Just to emphasize: I want this thing finished. I want it finished; I want to move on. I also want it to be good enough to meet its basic potential. So, I had to figure out how to just get it done without sacrificing stuff that was genuinely essential. The biggest essential in Raziel is what the realm of Otherworld means to the people who go there. Not the fancy gameplay whatsits I’d thought up early on: the people, plain and simple. So, the most important thing was to give these people stories.

Those stories will be kept pretty straightforward since it’s not going to be a long game. But I hope the way I tell them will get the point across. Also, Otherworld itself is a living, breathing entity — a character in its own right. I’m trying to make its identity (as well as its creepy subconscious of Etherworld) as certain as anyone else’s through its visual design and the soundtracks that I’ve chosen. I want it to be understandable why some people want to stay there forever and why they would fight for that… which is probably asking a lot from a game made by in RPG Maker by a no-name weekend designer on a budget of about $60.00. :p

Nonetheless, as much as I want to wrap up this project for good, I really like what I’ve come up with so far and I’m still enjoying the process of bringing it to life. I plan to have a short trailer(!) posted by the 28th.

Eden’s Achievements: What’s the Point?

Posted on May 13th, 2015

When I was reading the proof for Videogames for Humans, there was one point I understood, but wanted to elaborate on: why certain things in Eden that seem like common decency earn Achievements and why other things simply are Achievements at all. In a nutshell, it goes back to What’s in a Name?, Eden’s spiritual predecessor.

What’s in a Name? was a game/story about biphobia–and how being bisexual can sometimes leave you feeling like a person without a country. It contained a single Achievement. An Achievement that, if you earn it, will probably leave you feeling depressed and uncomfortable instead of accomplished. In other words, I was playing with the idea of Achievements and what people expect from them.

Eden is exactly the thematic opposite of What’s in a Name? As such, I found it fitting to include several achievements, all of which would probably make the player smile when they got them. “Bi the Way” is an achievement as a direct nod to What’s in a Name? and how far removed Eden is from its mindset: in Eden, bisexuality is celebrated (and often an advantage if you want a certain ending) instead of a mark of shame.

As for why some Achievements come just from being a decent person, the main reason is… it’s fun. And, again, I like playing with the idea of Achievements. If other games dole out Achievements for killing entire populations or running over hookers, why can’t this one offer them for treating a potential romantic partner with decency and respect?

You Probably Want to Read This

Posted on May 1st, 2015

It can take a while for me to process things, especially when they’re good, and even moreso when they seem to come out of nowhere. It’s as if my brain can’t quite accept what’s going on and wants to make absolutely sure that there hasn’t been some mistake.

Recently, a few things have happened that kept making me want to ask “Are you sure you have the right person?” For one thing, besides mentioning my stuff a lot on Twitter, Soha Kareem wrote an article for Motherboard that included some of my work. Which resulted in quite an influx of new visitors and Twitter followers. Fengxii also mentioned me in a tweet about black game developers worth knowing, which resulted in further influx. And… something else quite interesting happened that’s actually been in progress for a while, but definitely falls under “Is this really a thing?”

Recently, the book Videogames for Humans (edited by merritt kopas) was released to the public. It’s basically an anthology of Twine games, played through by various games journalists and critics. It’s a really neat project… and merritt chose Eden as one of the games she included in the book. Considering the caliber of the other creators included, I’m still having trouble believing there wasn’t some mistake. But I’m definitely thankful she asked to include my work, not to mention very surprised she even knew I existed.

So… yeah. A lot of stuff has happened. And I have a bunch of new Twitter followers now who think I make games. Normally, this would probably be the part where I flee in terror because it feels incredibly weird that people are paying attention, but I think I’ll stay put this time and see what happens. Which means more gamestuff is forthcoming. 🙂

Take Care,

Signed, The Pixie.

Junk Data

Posted on April 21st, 2015

I know it’s been a while since I posted anything. The main reason has been, well, a lack of stuff to post. For really ling time I just hadn’t been in a game-creating place. Or, really, a place to make anything except in brief moments. But first, the game stuff.

The more I work on Raziel, the more it reveals to me. At first, Etherworld was simply a realm of junk data. And it was all one thing. But since it draws on not only the thoughts of people who enter the virtual reality of Otherworld, but the code of Otherworld, too, it made sense to me that parts of it would look like part of Otherworld Glitch visits. The upper layer, being closest to Otherworld proper, would look and act the most like it. But as you go deeper (and progress to further stages of the game), things get stranger, darker and more chaotic. Basically, you get closer and closer to what Etherworld really is: not just junk data, but collective subconscious in data form that wants to tell a story.

And now for some personal crap.

Full-time work and some personal issues (as well as taking time to have *GASP!* something that resembles a social life) made it seem like I never had time to do anything creative or just for fun. Especially the “just for fun” part since that seemed like wasting time which could be better spent. Often, I would sit at my desk and try to MAKE myself [try to] work on this game or work on some writing, telling myself I could do something fun once I’d achieved X or Y. Long story short, it never seemed to happen.

Then I realized: I was out of fuel. I can’t create very much if I’m not taking in anything creative — namely via stuff like playing games and reading books, a.k.a. the very things I kept telling myself I didn’t have enough time for. To tie it in with Raziel, new realms aren’t going to form in my head without all the tasty junk data those things tend to leave behind.

So I’m going to focus on that for a while: refilling the junk data pool. Ironically, it’s quite possible that that’ll help me find the energy and inspiration to work on my own creative stuff.

Raziel Gets Upgraded (Also, Screenshots!)

Posted on January 4th, 2015

It seems like the more I work with this game, the more there is to work with. Not just for story and character, but in terms of the game world itself.

While I was sorting out the best way to set up Otherworld, I realized it needed an overworld of sorts. Unlike the Real World, it’s not a city made to scale; it’s a bunch of miniatures that, once you step inside them, take you to the real thing. In other words, it’s set up like a world map in an RPG. I think that fits what Otherworld is: a place that’s essentially fiction, despite how real it seems.

But Etherworld (a.k.a. the “junk code” world) is what’s undergone the most changes since I first imagined it. At first, it was just one thing, a single world “beneath” Otherworld with a singular set of traits. But over time, it’s turned into something more complex. There are three different layers to it, starting off with glitches and ending in nightmare fuel. The deepest realm uses parts of Etherworld’s original design concept plus a few… surprises. I’ll supply new screenshots of Etherworld when things are a bit a established.

More to come as more progress is made. In the meantime, enjoy the new screenshots. 🙂

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